Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Caw Hill to Vindobala.

After a restful night in our B&B following a lovely Indian Meal at The Valley Restaurant in Corbridge, we got up early, had a wonderful cooked breakfast and set off for our walk.

Stopping at Tesco in Hexham for lunch stuff  (which was hard to pick when we were full up with breakfast!!)

Us two girls got dropped off at the point we got picked up at yesterday, and had a mile to walk until we met the boys, who had gone off to park the cars in the appropriate stopping point.

It was a beautiful crisp day, but with a good strong breeze.  Still t-shirt weather, but chilly if you stopped.

Lezley and I walked through a couple of fields, and up and around a hill, until we spotted the first car and the menfolk.

At this point we donned our rucksacks and set off again.

This part of the walk has levelled out a lot from the centre parts, so apart from a couple of peaks and troughs it is pretty much flat.

We walked through a lot of farmers fields and down a lot of roadsides.

Like yesterday we kept having to cross the main road and zig-zag, but it gave us a different view at least  :)

We came to the Robin Hood Inn, where we got our penultimate stamp in our passports, AND... we didn't get tempted to stop for a wee drinkie  ;)

Walking on from the pub and through another field, we spotted this little chap sitting in the grass!!  How random.

A little further on we arrived at a reservoir, the blue you see in this photo is actually water, from a distance it looks like a lavender field.

Is it a nature reserve called Whittle Dene, we walked to the end of the second lake and found a picnic bench, perfect timing as bellys were rumbling.

It was so windy though, our food kept blowing off the table, check out Dotty's ears flapping in the breeze.

Onwards we went, through more fields and more roadside paths.

At one point we had about a half a mile detour around someones garden, the actual wall path used to go across the roadside in front of their house, but it was closed off and we had to detour around the back, two fields down, one across and two back up!  We were cursing them every so slightly ;)

We carried on through Harlow Hill towards Ruchester, finally ending up at Vindobala.  This was just a few mounds of grass in a farmers field, from the road you wouldn't even know it was there, but you can so tell by the shape of the land that there is something interesting under that grass!

And that's the car you can spot in the background  :)

At this point we are only 8 miles from Newcastle and 13 miles from the end of the walk!!

Total walked today- approx 7 miles.  Time spent - approx 3.45 hrs walking.

Grand Total - Miles 76 / Time 40.15 hours.

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